FTM100 all

How to transfer all settings from an SD card to an FTM100

1. Download the FTM100 all file using the link below
Internet Explorer – right click your mouse here and select Save Target As

Google Chrome – right click your mouse here and select Save Link As

Save the file to your download folder/directory

2. On your computer/laptop insert an FTM100 formatted SD card
3. On the SD card, go to the directory called FTM100D\BACKUP\CLONE
4. Paste CLNFTM100D.dat to the SD card under the directory FTM100D\BACKUP\CLONE
5. Insert the SD card on the FTM100
6. On the FTM100, press and hold DISP to start Setup Menu
7. Scroll down to 11 (SD) then press DISP
8. Select 1 (BACKUP) then press DISP
9. Select 2 (Read from SD) then press DISP
10. Select 2 (ALL) then press DISP
11. Select OK then press DISP to confirm memory transfer